Resignation from HumanTechnologies, Inc
Many developers in Japan write blog posts when they resigne from a company. As they do, I also write a blog post about my resignation. For the benefit of my English speaking colleagues whom have been a great help to me, my first attempt at this blog post will be in English . I have a plans to translate this to Japanese(日本語訳はもう少ししたらあげます).
I resign HumanTechnologies, Inc at end of October, 2015.
Who am I
I'm @PoohSunny. worked for Human TEchnologies,inc for around 3.5 years. I worked as a scrum developer and worked one of a member of diverse, passionare team in Singapore.
Intention Check
There are a bunch of things that I experienced
There are too many things to describe. But roughly, I experienced such a bunch of things:
- Work as a member of super team.
- diverse and English
- How to investigate to our goal with team
- How to have same understanding
- How to work as scrum team developer
- How to write code between thinker and doer.
- Agile Principals
- Scrum practice
- New technology stuff
They were very exciting and interesting experience! If anyone interested in our great journey, please let me know. We are looking for those who can join to our team!
There are still a few things that I want to explore
But still I have a few things that I want to explore.
- business perspective
- validate assumptions
- achieve business goal with technologies
- how do I create "business friendly engineering"
- Using Lean
- Using Scrum
- Using XP?
Especially, I thought "How do we build our software that follows business value quickly" and I start thinking to achieve (or progress my thought) this issue, I need to have experience about more business perspective.
I decided to have new challenge and explore my intention in the next stage.
To my colleagues and folks who has helped me
Thank you for having precious time with me. I'm very proud of my experience that I could work with my colleagues. You are all passionate, friendly, kind and honest :P colleagues. It is my very special experience. I have leaned from you all a lot of things. Not only technical stuff but also culture, attitude and professionalism. I'm sure that you all achieve our goal and get much money :P. I also want to contribute any way by making myself level up. All my colleagues is my honor.
To my new colleagues
I'm glad that I will join your team. I try my best and let's achieve our goal!
Hey! here is my wishlist!